Word at a Glance

The Czech National Corpus project continuously strives to provide a complex array of services to its user community. Apart from creating and hosting corpora and linguistic analysis tools, these services also include fostering a platform for corpus research on Czech (and other languages).

Apart from the CNC Helpdesk, which registered users can contact with their queries, suggestions and remarks, this platform newly features a repository of research outcomes based on the CNC, named Biblio.


Thanks to this repository, registered users can contribute bibliographic information about articles, books or theses/dissertations which they have written using CNC resources (e.g. with the help of corpora, CNC tools etc.). Each record can optionally include an attachment with the text of the publication, which will be freely accessible to all visitors of the portal.

Why should I submit my publications to the CNC repository?
There are at least three good reasons for requesting your collaboration on this undertaking. If the repository is regularly updated, it will not only serve the research community, but also help the CNC project:
  1. Creating a bibliography of corpus research on Czech: As a site regularly visited by specialists, students and corpus linguistics enthusiasts, the CNC Portal can serve as an ideal virtual hub for looking up information concerning the results of corpus research on Czech (and other languages in comparison with it), as conducted both at home and abroad. The database is accessible to all visitors and easily searchable.
  2. Sharing results: Current trends in academic publishing put increasing emphasis on Open Access to the results of research supported with public money. If you include the text of your publication when submitting bibliographic information, you can use this record as a reference, satisfying the requirements of Open Access (in its green road form).
  3. Helping the CNC project: the CNC project is funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports under the heading of support for research infrastructures; as part of its operation, the project must periodically provide an overview of the research results achieved using its resources. By contributing to the repository, you help ensure the continued existence of the project.

Please, take a moment to consider the arguments listed above, and give your support both to the CNC project and to the growth of the community of corpus linguists exploring the Czech language.

The database currently already holds 3529 records. Thank you!

Václav Cvrček
On behalf of the entire CNC project team

Submit publication My publications in the repository