Czech CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Corpus Linguistics
Czech CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Corpus Linguistics is based at the Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague. The Czech National Corpus (CNC) is an academic project founded in 1994 with the main aim to continuously map the Czech language by building and annotating a variety of large general-purpose corpora. CNC also develops specialized web-based applications to provide a user-friendly access to the corpora and offers wide-ranging user support which includes a user forum with Q&A, bug reporting, a detailed documentation and a knowledge base. The central access point to all the web applications and user services is the CNC research portal. In addition to this service-oriented line of work, CNC is also a research centre that promotes an empirical approach to language and runs a PhD programme in Corpus Linguistics.
The K-Centre provides advice on all topics related to corpus linguistics or Czech language. Our corpus linguistics expertise includes typically data formats, annotation, metadata encoding, corpus querying, corpus linguistics methodology and statistical methods, but we can also provide external pointers to other centres regarding any aspect of Czech language including language resources and natural language processing.
The services are available either via the web documentation and knowledge base, or via the on-line helpdesk where you can get active assistance, consulting and even get arranged a workshop on demand.